What books do you play with?
In general we play with any books as long as you pass it by me (Magnus) for balancing/my sake But the following books the players are just “allowed” to pull from (Still pass it to me just to make sure though :))
- Core Rules (duh-)
- PHB (Not the same as the core rules interestingly enough)
- Xanathar’s guide to everything
- Tasha’s Couldron of everything
Exceptions to these rules are known to happen as long as you ask nicely (and dont surprise me mid combat (Ksawerty)) For example Xanathar’s was meant to just be an exception but now I’ve just adopted it…
Book Archive
Books that my original DM shared with me find them here on the Google Drive
Homebrew Content/Books
Homebrew books will be displayed here if they are applicable. Please go support the original Authors if possible.